Blog do Calheira

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Social Media – Good or Bad?

em 21/11/2019


Are social networks blessings or curses? Is it something positive or negative in our lives? Is it “good” or “evil”?
To answer, I come up with new questions: is a car “good” or “bad”? The answer is simple: it depends on who drives it and for what purpose it is used. A car that is used to transport a family to church, work or school is certainly a tool that can fall into the “good” stuff category. But a car that is used in a robbery, which on the way to the escape runs over and kills a dozen people, can certainly be placed on the shelf of “bad” things.

The Member of the Quorum of 12 apostles, Elder David A. Bednar gave us good exemples of good and bad use of social media and technologies. 

First, about a good use of these devices, he said: “I exhort you to sweep the earth with messages filled with righteousness and truth, messages that are authentic, edifying, and praiseworthy, and literally to sweep the earth as with a flood”

In the same speech, he teach us how DON’T use it: “Too much time can be wasted, too many relationships can be harmed or destroyed, and precious patterns of righteousness can be disrupted when technology is used improperly. We should not allow even good applications of social media to overrule the better and best uses of our time, energy, and resources.”

The Lord inspired mankind to create these kind of tools of communication to help in the work of salvation. Of course that the enemy of all of us would use it to evil. Our role in this play is to chose the best part and use social media do share the gospel, ministry, heal the hearts hurted, and help others. Doing this, we are picking the “good” social media in the shelve of our live

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