Blog do Calheira

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22 Frequently Asked Questions at a Job Interview

em 09/10/2019
two woman chatting

Foto por mentatdgt em

I always say this: Can you get to Paris and be amazed when you see the Eiffel Tower? Can you imagine a tourist saying “Look! Is there a HUGE antenna in the middle of the city? ” Of course not ! No one can be surprised by this and say that it was taken by surprise.

Similarly, in a job interview, there are some questions you should expect and get ready for them. Do not run away from any questions.

So…. be prepared:

1 – Why are you unemployed?
2 – Why is it taking so long to get a new job?
3 – If you were fired, what is the cause? Do you consider dismissal fair? Why?
4 – If you resigned, why?
5 – What is your expectation regarding your professional future?
6 – What are the plans regarding your formation?
7 – What are your most important accomplishments?
8 – What were your failures?
9 – Why do you want to work in this company?
10 – What kind of contribution could you bring us?
11 – How long would it take for this to happen?
12 – What motivates you professionally?
13 – How do you rate your last job and your last boss?
14 – What are you looking for in your work?
15 – What are your personal goals?
16 – What are your qualities?
17 – And your faults?
18 – Talk about the last book you read?
19 – What do you like to do in your free time?
20 – How do you harmonize personal and professional life?
21 – How does your family see you professionally?
22 – What are your expectations regarding the position?

A good dose of preparation mixed with tranquility and charisma is the key to success. Good luck.

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